Florence Fountains International

Florence Fountains International is a non-profit organization founded by Dr. Ngozi Mbibi. We work to improve lives of the underserved people in Africa. While the world is celebrating modernization and global connectivity, there are some overlooked communities in Africa that are in dire need of help. Florence Fountains International is a glimmer of hope for such communities.

Underserved people in Africa experience premature death due to lack of education, medication and proper routine health care. That is why treatable diseases claim the lives of many people. Such is the case with hypertension and blood pressure, which has spread rapidly across Africa. Africans don’t even know that they suffer from such health conditions and therefore don’t seek treatment. It consequently hinders them from taking care of their families and leading normal lives.

We believe that education is power and health education regarding the issue is urgent. So we aim to spread awareness about hypertension and blood pressure to prevent further unnecessary deaths in Africa. We embark on medical missions to raise awareness, treat and monitor hypertension and blood pressure conditions in the African population.  Every single penny donated to our organization goes into giving people in Africa access to better health education, health awareness and health facilities to prevent such conditions.

Marking the birthday of our founder, Dr. Ngozi Mbibi this year, we are raising funds to help the underserved people in Nigeria in Africa. We request you to donate for better lives and communities in Africa. You can donate through PayPal or through our Facebook Fundraiser. To know about more ways you can contribute, visit our donation page.