How to Help

The underserved communities in Africa need our help and support. Florence Fountains International has been helping them with healthcare facilites and health awareness programs to prevent health risks due to hypertension and blood pressure. Whether it is in collaboration with other non-profits or through fundraisers or other methods, we are looking for ways to fund our medical mission to Africa for the underserved people there.

Your donation for the cause could help us a lot and would mean the world to the people in Africa. We thank you beforehand for your generosity and philanthropy.


You can do your part through various ways.


Donate Money
You can donate any amount of money you like to our foundation. Every dime of your donation contributes to providing better healthcare access and health awareness in the African community. You can donate an amount through our Facebook Fundraiser. If you are not comfortable with online donation, you can directly drop your donation in our office.

Donate Clothes or Other Items
You can also donate items so that the underserved in Africa don’t have to buy it themselves. We accept both new and lightly used second hand materials. Following are some of the items you can donate:

i. Medical supplies
ii. Hygiene products
iii. Books, notebooks, pencils and other study materials

You can also get in touch with us if you think you have other useful items that you can donate.

Donate Time
There is nothing valuable than time. If you want to give your time helping the underserved people in Africa, you can choose to volunteer with us. Our volunteering programs range from local volunteering to travelling to Africa on medical missions. Please contact us for more volunteering information.

You can also help the African community through partnership programs. We regularly conduct various programs to raise funds and partner with other similar non-profits for meeting mutual goals. To learn more about our partnership programs, please get in touch with us.